Welcome to ESKO's online return on investment estimator for OMPECO waste convertors.

This tool will help to quickly show the economic and environmental benefits of the waste converter.

Enter in the parameters relating to your facility.



Amount of waste produced

Tonnes per month

Typical waste density


Typical moisture content

% (w/w)

Disposal cost


Collection service fee


Distance to waste processor


Electricity price


Electricity from renewables


Water price


Price for the sale of flock

$/tonne (incl. removal)

If this investment will be financed , enter the finance details below.

Will you finance this investment?

Tick this box if yes.

What percentage will be financed?

Interest rate



Below are the details for the OMPECO waste converter that may suit your facility.

Below are the indicative performance parameters of the OMPECO converter. 

Below is an indication of the RoI when the flock is sold to a Waste to Energy plant.

Please note, the above information is of an indicative nature only. It should only be used as a guide.

For a more accurate assessment, please contact ESKO Australia for a detailed discussion and analysis of your specific facility and requirements.

RoI Estimator for industrial sites coming soon.